Have Been in Their Position for

Quality assurance is reflect in both our strategic plan and our quality policy, and on a day-to-day basis, we are committ to guaranteeing the comprehensive quality of the ucational service and practicing continuous improvement. Our good practices have been publicly recogniz since 2019 by the prestigious International Institute for Quality Assurance of the Interuniversity Development Center (IAC-CINDA) , through institutional accritation. This means that the university as a whole meets international quality standards, which positions it as a benchmark for higher ucation at the national level. How does CINDA accritation work? The Interuniversity Development Center (CINDA) is a network of universities recogniz as an international non-governmental organization by the Unit Nations ucational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Doing Things and Making

As part of CINDA, the International Institute for Quality Assurance (IAC-CINDA) promotes and drives processes associat with quality assurance in higher ucation, through tools such as institutional accritation and programs. The IAC-CINDA is part of two prestigious institutions: the Ibero-American Network for business database Quality Assurance in Higher ucation (RIACES) and the International Network of Agencies for Quality Assurance in Higher ucation (INQAAHE, International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher ucation ). Both support the institutional accritation grant by the IAC-CINDA, of which we are proud and commits us to exceing our own quality standards.

That Change at the

To achieve institutional accritation, the university at the institutional level fac a demanding evaluation by peer evaluators who analyze compliance with a set of standards or criteria previously defin by the IAC-CINDA, emphasizing the fulfillment of our mission. These standards are group into the following categories: Mission, goals and objectives HN Lists Government and management Institutional functions Resources and services Institutional development It is important to highlight that our commitment to ucational quality is not recent. In reality, it is a process of continuous improvement of almost two decades in which we have design and deliver a responsible ucational offer, in accordance with technological advances, science, the demands of the ucational market and employers, as well as with the nes of the environment.

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