What giving names to parts of your project gives you

Jolin, it was finishing the title and it sounded very, very .Carlos Bravo to me . Don’t you think.That’s what I’ll be doing well. Today is an easy-to-digest article in which I want to share with you a fantastic experience that I had this week and that, although it arose .Spontaneously, can serve as an. Example of a marketing effect or benefit: naming the things . Specifically, I come to talk to you about. Bundi , a friendly robot owl that was born for the Iron.Blogger project and that is already capable of continuously monitoring the blogs of those registered.Notifying us when .Someone fails to fulfill their publication commitment and also when each one publishes. a new post.

The effect of having a name

If I tell you that not everything in this world has its own name, but if what matters.You’ll still roll your eyes at me. I am aware that perhaps I am getting into fertile ground but don’t get me wrong, please understand where I am going. In this industry email list world, things are things and have their . Name as a thing, but when you really care about something or you want to .Humanize” it, giving it its own identity and granting it. Even metaphorically, properties of human beings (such as emotions, thinking capacity or communication), you give it a name .

Without going any further

But, shortly after we began to lay the foundations for its operation, we realized that if it was able to determine that someone had not fulfilled their commitment, once the deadline had expired, it would also be able to detect that someone was approaching the HN Lists deadline. without fulfilling it. And, if he could detect it, he could warn that person that she was about to “have to pay.” And if I could let him know, I could also give him encouragement and even recommend some blogs to read and find inspiration.

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