Why invest in SEO? 15 Reasons to invest in SEO positioning

Why invest in SEO? 15 Reasons to invest in SEO positioning. There are many businesses or freelancers who already have a website but are not yet investing in SEO. And no matter how beautiful your website is, or wonderful your products or services are… If Google doesn’t show you in the first results, no one will see it. That is the reason for this article. I am going to explain to you why invest in SEO and I will tell you 15 reasons why you should work on web positioning.

On Page SEO

On Page SEO:  SEO on the page is based on working on certain aspects of your website , such as accessibility, loading speed, web structure, information top people data hierarchy, keyword optimization, internal linking… and a long etc. In short, it’s about optimizing things that you have control over and can modify. All this so that Google can better track and index your website and understand that you solve the searches of your target audience, which is why it shows you in the first positions.

Off Page SEO

Off Page SEO: consists of the actions you take outside your website to improve its positioning. It is about increasing the authority of the domain HN Lists through quality links from other websites , as the main action. That is, getting links from other authoritative websites to ours. With what actions? Well, writing guest articles on other blogs, appearing in the media, buying links, or simply generating quality content that ends up being linked by other websites in your sector that have found it interesting.

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