I can tell you that I don’t miss Bug at all

See the documentation to learn how to add short user code to your email. All went well. The only question I have is when I use lead magnets to create automation, for example, it has a product offer, I create a sequence with an email, but I don’t know how to separate the products I buy. The first email and its removal from the sequence so that I no longer receive emails containing products I have purchased can be answered, and some guidance will be very helpful to reply to Edu Rubies On January Hello Juan Carlos,

But in my opinion that is not useful

 I understand that,To do this you must create a condition in which those who have been new database opened continue in that order, and those who have not been opened stay at that point. All went well. Reply Leave a comment Your email address will not be made public. The required field is marked as Write here Name Name Email Network Save my name, email and website in this browser for next comment.

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