The joint European diploma

was as one of the main priorities for , being in the European Commission’s Work Program for this no. This initiative will contribute to the creation of the European Area. This is a flagship initiative of the European Universities Strategy and the Council Recommendation on Building Bridges for Effective European Cooperation in Higher , both in The initiative aims to address the lack of a common framework at European level for the design and implementation of joint degree programs and the award of joint degrees. Although more and more joint courses are being by universities to complement strengths that cannot be by a single institution, only a minority award a joint degree (only a third of Erasmus Mundus joint master’s degrees award them, for example). Within the framework of the first alliances of European universities by the Erasmus+ program, around new joint bachelor’s and master’s courses were in the first pilot phase.

 However, not all members of these

Alliances were able to participate, due to incompatible national legislation or administrative rules (e.g.  to the number of ECTS to be , multilingualism limitations, online learning , interdisciplinary approaches or the application of different requirements). According to the European Commission, on average, in each alliance of partners, were unable to participate in the joint course or consequently award any joint degree due to the limitations above. These problems could be overcome by co-creating a common set of European criteria, which integrate the transnational and innovative chara Business Email List cteristics of joint degree programs. Member States and their higher institutions would have the possibility, on a voluntary basis, to award joint European degrees on these European criteria, alongside their national degrees. In addition to bureaucracy, the process of co-creating this framework could serve as a vehicle to promote innovation, which is essential for modernizing higher and the European Area.

 The initiative responds not

Only to a call from higher institutions, but also from students and employers, to give more visibility and recognize high-level skills and competencies through high-quality joint higher courses, as well as to facilitate mobility for learning and professional purposes. In the last week of March, the Commis Arabia Email List sion should adopt a communication with a proposal regarding the joint European diploma, presenting its objectives and possible ways of implementation. This will be by two additional relevant elements: a proposal for a Council recommendation on a European quality assurance and recognition system in higher and a proposal for a Council recommendation on the attractiveness and sustainability of careers in higher . A European system of quality assurance and adequate recognition would make it possible to more quickly guarantee high-quality teaching, reliable and transparent assessments of learning, the implementation and valorization of innovative offers and the deepening of transnational cooperation.

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