Mastering Product Innovation

Continuing with his philosophy of democratizing the Mastering Product world. Of SEO (and I am and will be infinitely grateful to him), since he allowed me to share this great technology with hundreds of people who decided to trust it by accessing an early adopter offer. However, right now Escribelo is a more mature product with new great functionalities that we presented last Thursday, October 13 at # EscribeloDAY An event attended by great leaders in the SEO and copy sector such as Dean Romero himself, Álvaro Peña, Carmelo Beltrán, Eva López, Jesús Madurga and this server (if you don’t know who any of these giants of the marketing sector are, simply Google your name).

Additionally Mastering Product  here you can collaborate with the community

Features like the Write It Lab industry email list where you can train artificial intelligence to write like you . This way, you can teach him different skills that you have, such as a formula that you have invented, or a style that you use when sending cold emails, etc. Additionally, here you can collaborate with the community and add tools created by other users who are learning to master these tools. Another of our great innovations are voice commands , thanks to which you simply ask the tool what you want and “magically” your wishes come true, as you saw in the previous video. The icing on the cake , and which is still in the process of improvement, is our article generator.

Clicking the continue button. Of course, having included new features

With one click you will have the draft of HN Lists your next article available in a few seconds. You simply enter the title of your article and you can choose to generate it directly by clicking the Write it button or give more context to the tool by clicking the continue button. Of course, having included new features and finally opening to the public, we have decided to make another offer that will last until Thursday, October 20 (just 7 days since the event ended). And we have implemented something that many, but many people have asked us for even before we released Write It to the market. That something is a plan with access to unlimited words .

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