Check Out 20 Benefits of Freelancing that Can Inspire You


Another factor to also consider when it comes to your buyer persona is whether it consists of decision-makers or those in lower to mid-level positions who are often tasked with finding solutions to report to higher-ups.

By being as specific as possible when identifying your personas, you will be able to develop a targeted content strategy that gets results.


3. Identify the Best Content Types

Today you have various types of content you can share. 

Yet, you shouldn’t just assume that any of these will attract the attention of your target audience, especially when it comes to posting on LinkedIn.

Stay Away from Salesy Language

Consumers today dislike salesy content and prefer authenticity and genuineness from the brands they buy from.

For this reason, stick with utilizing inbound call lists marketing techniques with the focus on informing, educating, inspiring, and engaging with consumers.

5. Include Hashtags

You may have the best content in the world, but if your target audience can’t find it, what good is it to your business or brand? 

To change this, include hashtags in all your content.

The purpose of LinkedIn hashtags is to categorize all content and help you reach your target audience as well as those who share similar interests.

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Create Individual Posts/Status Updates

One of the quickest ways to share content on LinkedIn is through individual posts referred to as status updates. Use words and sentences HN Lists  here that will grab the attention of your reader.

Examples of what to share include:

Interesting updates and messages.

Promotion of long-form content.

Links to other articles, industry news sources, videos, and websites.

Documents, such as checklists, infographics, or white papers.

Mentions of other persons, news, or situations that may be beneficial to your connections.

Event information.

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