Types of Internet Fraud That You Should Know to Avoid Falling for It

Internet fraud has become increasingly complex and innovative. Types of but here we list the most common ones and how to avoid them with quick and practical actions. The Internet is a tool that brings benefits to the users who frequent it around the world and is the main actor in the constant digital transformation that we are experiencing today, however, there are unscrupulous people who use it to the detriment of others. For this reason, you must be aware of what Internet frauds are and how to avoid them. The success of the Internet in all areas has attracted the attention of fraudsters, who adapt, like a chameleon, to any circumstance to commit crimes against property and property rights or against the physical and/or psychological integrity of people.

Types of Internet Fraud That You Should Avoid

As its name indicates, it is a scam email leads originating in Nigeria, also known as the 419 scam. Previously it was limited only to the Nigerian territory, however, it has now gone global. This scam is based on the misuse of email marketing , where the victim receives emails offering large sums of money. For example, you receive an email telling you that you have won the lottery. Then they ask you to make a transfer or send your bank details to make the “respective” payment. This type of scam can escalate to more serious crimes, such as kidnapping and extortion. Make sure who is sending you the emails, and if you have any questions, contact that company’s customer service directly with the official contact numbers.

Fraud in Online Purchases

Given the constant evolution of industry 4.0 , sales have increased HN Lists exponentially through the creation of virtual stores . So much so, that a company that does not have an online business will have many difficulties in being fruitful and will be uncompetitive with respect to its competition. For this reason, scammers have dedicated themselves to carrying out Internet fraud in online stores, taking advantage of the success of marketing and advertising as their direct tool. The operation of this type of fraud is precisely to offer products online at much lower prices compared to market references, from a digital store.

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