Lgpd law and data protection what you need to know

The general data protection law was approved a few years ago, but it only came into force last september and made many people pay attention to the changes applied by it in the use and collection of data on the internet. If you are also curious, or even worried, about what changes with this law, then you are on the right blog. In this article, we will explain a little about lgpd law and data protection. Good reading! Lgpd law and data protection: what is it? The lgpd law (law no. 13,709) was approved inbut came into force in brazil only in september through it, brazil joins the group of more than 100 countries where there are also specific rules to limit and define the conditions of collection, storage and processing of personal data.

The full text of the lgpd consists of the following elements

Defines data categories; indicates the possible ways of collecting and processing data; presents the rights of data subjects; details special conditions for data and segments considered sensitive, such as children, for example; establishes what is the obligation of  Singapore Business Fax List companies; defines a differentiated regime for the public power; determines who your rules are valid for; provides sanctions in case of violations; it provides for the creation of a national authority. Lgpd law and data protection: what is personal data and who does the law apply to? According to the text of the lgpd, information that can identify someone, such as name and cpf, for example, is considered personal data.


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And within this concept the lgpd also establishes

The category of “sensitive data”. Elements such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, health or sex life are considered sensitive data. In this way, this information now has a higher level of protection from the lgpd, in order to avoid discrimination. And who is subject to lgpd? All of us! The rule is clear: the lgpd applies to all activities HN Lists  carried out in brazil or people who are in brazil. In addition, it is also valid for data collection operated in other countries, when these are related to goods and/or services offered by brazilians or that have been carried out here. But wait, there are exceptions! The lgpd does not apply to the obtaining of information by the government for national defense, public security or in the case of investigation and repression of crimes.

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