This platform has the ability

Because YouTube is owned by Google, to create an ad on the platform you must do so through Google Ads. How does Google Ads work? With all this. How does Google Ads really work. You just need pay and that’s it. It really isn’t that easy. Google Ads works using keywords. On the one hand, the advertiser pays for ad for a specific keyword and when the user performs a search with said keyword.

Here online stores display their products

The ads will be shown in the SERP. Now. How does Google decide which ads to show? The answer: through an auction. In short, advertisers Algeria WhatsApp Number List bid on keywords and Google. takes care of entering all the keywords in an auction, giving each keyword a quality score based .On its relevance to the search. It will then multiply your Quality Score. With the advertiser’s maximum bid. The advertisers with The highest score are the ones that will be shown.

Here online stores display their products

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The advantage is that to the auction depends not only on the bid . But on whether the ad is really optimized both its Quality Score. And HN Lists the amount of the bid. Although you can very well take care of creating your own ad campaigns. That is why we at  want to offer you professional help. And together we can optimize your campaigns to the maximum.  free  Latest articles Importance of a good digital public relations.

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