My payment type on record has been

My account is many years old. . I have ordered from the particular seller about a dozen times over the years. And suddenly because my web browser had JavaScript turned off I was deemed a security risk of some sort for making an utterly ordinary transaction I have already completed about a dozen times.

On AMP JavaScript was the devil

And on desktop not JavaScript was the devil.

Pro tip: Ecommerce websites that see substandard Telemarketing and Lead Generation conversion rates from using Recaptcha can boost their overall ecommerce revenue by buying more Google AdWords ads.

As more of the infrastructure stack

Is driven by AI software there is going to be a very real opportunity for many people to become deplatformed across the web on an utterly arbitrary basis. That tech companies like Facebook also want to create digital currencies on top of the leverage they already have only makes the proposition that much scarier.

If the tech platforms host copies of our sites

Process the transactions & even create their own currencies, how will we know what level of value they are adding versus what they are extracting?

Who measures the measurer?

Telemarketing and Lead Generation

And when the economics turn negative, what will we do if we are hooke into an ecosystem we can’t spend additional capital to get out of when things head south?

The Fractured Web

Anyone can argue about the intent of a particular action & the outcome that is derive by it. But when the outcome is known, at some point the intent is inferre if the outcome is derive from a. Source of power & the outcome doesn’t change.

Or, put another way, if a powerful entity (government, corporation, other organization) dislike an outcome which appeare to benefit them in the short term at great lasting cost to Our machine performed the target computation others, they could spend resources to adjust the system.

If they don’t spend those resources

(or, rather, spend them on lobbying rather than improving the ecosystem) then there is no desire change. The outcome is as desire. Change is unwante.

News is a stock vs flow market where

The flow of recent events drives most of the traffic to articles. News that is more than a couple days old is no longer news. A news site which stops publishing news stops becoming a habit & quickly loses relevancy. Algorithmically an abandone archive of old news articles doesn’t look much different than eHow, in spite of having a much higher cost structure.

According to SEMrush’s traffic rank, gets more monthly visits than

Traffic Ranks.

That actually understates

The prevalence of AMP because AMP is generally designe for mobile. AND not all AMP-formatte content is displayed on

Part of how AMP was able to get widespread adoption was because in the news vertical the organic search result set was displace by an AMP block. If you were a news site either you were so differentiate that. Readers would scroll past the AMP block in the search results to look for you specifically, or you adopte AMP, or you were doome.

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