Google launches the largest local algorithm

The Vicinity Update was introduc : update in the last 5 years, attributing greater relevance to the distance signal and therefore renam Vicinity Update. We ne to pay attention, because some steps backwards have been partially taken by restoring some elements that had been abandon. Taking advantage of the introduction of the Vicinity Update, yet another Local Pack has been introduc, which presents the first result at the top of the Serp with – on the right – the presence of a square map that can be activat for both brand and non-brand searches.

Concomitant with the introduction of the

Local Pack, pre-set filters have also been insert, bas on the correspondence with the search query. This is a very interesting change, in fact the email list  management of listing times not only has an impact on the CRO but also on the Ranking, so it is possible to have a greater increase in clicks and traffic on the Google Business Profile tab. You might be interest in: “Quality raters have new rules: Google switches to EEAT” Tracking: what essentially changes In June 2022, tests began to appear that highlight the disappearance of the Local Pack in favor of the so-call Local Cards. Furthermore, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) in the EU and the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA) could ban or ruce the Local Pack in antitrust function.

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New” But Google already has an alternative ready: Local Cards, in fact. The latter, so far, have only appear on Mobile (also in Italy), associat with organic results possibly  HN Lists   including map, company name, address, whether the store is currently open or clos and product availability. Furthermore, when you click, you are immiately rirect to your GBP profile (without going through the Local Finder). With the new Local Cards, less visibility is therefore offer to photos and images, with greater dependence on organic ranking and a strong link to available products. However, the importance of the “proximity” factor remains.