Working from Home: 9 Types of Freelance Jobs to Get You Started

While it might seem like a good idea to offer your SEO services to everyone who is interested, it’s actually more beneficial for you to clarify a niche and find an area to specialize in. 

When you pick a specific industry or niche, you can really begin to understand the specific SEO best practices and tactics that will work for that area. 

It also means less competition as you become the go-to expert for your niche.

5. Create Systems and Prioritize as Needed

Just because you are working as a freelancer and aren’t in a traditional office job doesn’t mean that you don’t need to know how to create systems and prioritize tasks. 

When you are a freelancer, you are your own manager, so you need to come up with the right systems that will lead to success. 

You also need to know how to organize your tasks and projects so you don’t drop any balls as you work.

Keep Adding New Skill Sets

It’s important that you continue adding new skills to your personal portfolio and take the time to research new SEO developments and updates that can help you grow and succeed in your freelancing career. 

You can try taking online classes, reading new research calling lists and search engine updates, and looking to see what other freelancers are doing in their businesses as inspiration.

7. Find an SEO Mentor

While it’s important to connect and work with other SEO freelancers, you might want to get advice from someone who has even more experience. 

Looking for a mentor or a guru to inspire you could be a great idea to help grow your SEO freelancing business. 

Look for people who have published books or have podcasts about SEO, and become a subscriber. 

You can find someone with a similar

A portfolio allows you to showcase your best success stories and give them to clients so they can see the value you can provide and understand why you should work with them. 

You can display your portfolio on your website as a powerful conversion tool for leads.

9. Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader

As an SEO freelancer and HN Lists  professional, you have a lot of valuable knowledge about SEO best practices and backgrounds. 

When you share this knowledge and set yourself forward as an SEO expert, you have the potential to become a thought leader. 

A thought leader is a source of information that people trust when they want to learn something new, and it sets you apart from other freelancers and allows you to stand out.