Technical fixes resulting from the audit carri out at the beginning of the process. Optimizing the blog articles to be written. Updating existing site pages – both from a content and ux point of view. The advice for outlining these steps is to create an impact-effort diagram that organizes each item. Nobody knows the company better than those who work there. So the Create SEO goals commitment requir to complete each task must be carefully evaluat depending on the effort requir and the resources available. Sometimes finding the internal resources to write and publish new content can be more of a commitment than.
For example Delegating these tasks to
A specializ seo agency . Whatever the activities. An impact-effort matrix can help organize seo in a constructive and intelligent way. 5) review Business Lead meta title and meta description meta title and meta description are metadata – precisely – record in the source code of the web page. Even though they are not visible on the site. They are visible on search engines and. Therefore. Must meet seo requirements to contribute to positioning. Search engines.
In fact Scan these elements
Pagespe insights has several advantages: first of all. It is free. And secondly. The recommendations for improving seo come directly from HN Lists google . 7) optimize existing content for search engines content is also an seo element to optimize. The advice is to use the effort/impact matrix to prioritize. Starting from the low cost/high impact elements such as. For example. Meta-title optimization. After completing this work. It is a good idea to take a thorough look at all the main pages of the site to ask yourself a few simple questions: are the contents updat? Are there alt-texts? Are h tags enough?